On January 25, 2016, a new weaving publication launched - Heddlecraft. This is a digital weaving magazine that is emailed as a PDF. Why is it digital? For a few reasons. First, it helps keep the cost down by eliminating printing and postage. Second, as more people use tablets and other portable digital devices, Heddlecraft can be downloaded and taken with them.
Perhaps the most important reason is a digital format allows an article to be the length it needs to be to present a topic. Beginning with the March/April 2016 issue, .wif files will be distributed with the PDF for use by weavers with weaving software. Plus, the vision for Heddlecraft is to start incorporating links and video in the future.
One of the objectives of Heddlecraft is to provide an educational resource for weavers . . . from the adventure-seeking beginner to the most seasoned veteran. There will be six issues a year and each issue will present a weave or weaving technique in detail. An annual subscription is $19.99. The purchase of a single issue is $4.50.
The first issue of Heddlecraft, January/February 2016, presented advancing twills and included samples for four-, eight-, and 16-shaft looms. In addition, there were a couple of additional features, including Who's Your Tabby and an quick-and-easy method for weaving a header. The next issue will be March/April 2016 and will present corduroy and velveteen as the featured weave.
Heddlecraft is new for the weaving community. During the initial stages of development, the focus was on . . . and still is . . . educating weavers. The current focus of Heddlecraft is on weaves and weaving techniques for looms with shafts, specifically for four- and eight-shaft looms. Examples with more than eight shafts may appear in articles as time and space allow.
- Robin Spady